Interaction 2

Instructor: Sam Lavigne
Mondays & Wednesdays 11:00 to 2:00
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The official syllabus can be found here.


Wed Aug 26: Introductions / Lens Studio

Mon Aug 31: p5.js review

Wed Sep 2: Project 1 proposals & feedback / p5.js review continued

Mon Sep 7: Labor Day

Wed Sep 9: Project 1 due

Mon Sep 14: p5.js review continued / Intro to voice

Wed Sep 16: Guest Speaker: Everest Pipkin / Reading discussion / Voice continued

Mon Sep 21: Project 2 proposals & feedback

Wed Sep 23: Work day

Mon Sep 28: Project 2 due

Wed Sep 30: Intro to data

Mon Oct 5: Reading discussion / Data continued

Wed Oct 7: Project 3 proposals & feedback

Mon Oct 12: Work day

Wed Oct 14: Guest Speaker: Salome Asega / Project 3 due

Mon Oct 19: Intro to location

Wed Oct 21: Reading discussion / Mapping

Mon Oct 26: Project 4 proposals & feedback

Wed Oct 28: Work day

Mon Nov 2: Guest Speaker: Ayodamola Tanimowo Okunseinde / Project 4 due

Wed Nov 4: Intro to AI / Categorization

Mon Nov 9: Reading discussion / Generation

Wed Nov 11: Work day

Mon Nov 16: Project 5 due

Wed Nov 18: TBD

Mon Nov 23: Final project proposals

Wed Nov 25: Thanksgiving

Mon Nov 30: Work day

Wed Dec 2: Work day

Mon Dec 7: Final project presentations


  1. Voice
  2. Data
    • James C. Scott, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (Introduction)
    • Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein, Data Feminism (Chapter 2)
  3. Location
    • Andrew Wiseman, When Maps Lie
    • Shannon Mattern, Gaps in the Map
  4. Artificial Intelligence
    • Ruha Benjamin, Race After Technology


1: Lens

Use Lens Studio to create and publish a camera lens. Consider how the camera mediates your presence, and how you can alter that presence to achieve different effects (and affects) in different contexts.

3: Data

Visualize a dataset that you collect about yourself, another person, or an organization.

4: Location

Create a system that responds to the user’s location. Or, create a critical map that produces an argument based on geographical features.

5: Artificial Intelligence

Create a novel categorization, ranking or writing system using machine learning techniques.